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World of Love
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2015 iDate Awards

International Dating BLog Content Video


The 2015 iDate Awards are coming up and AFA is in the Mix again. Vote and win a free tour!


To enter the Giveaway, we ask that you click here: iDate Awards
and vote for us in the following categories (see below).

Best Dating Coach:

Renee Piane (SinglesAdvice.com)

Best Affiliate Program

LoveMe.com ( A Foreign Affair)

Best Marketing Campaign:


Once you have voted you will be sent an E-mail confirmation, in that confirmation will be a link that you must click to confirm your vote. To enter simply forward that confirmation E-mail, or a screen shot, ( along with your full name, phone number and mailing address) to IDATE@LOVEME.COM and you will automatically be entered into the drawing under the E-mail address you voted from.

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World of Love