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World of Love

Client Interview Neil, from Phoenix, Arizona

Neil was born in Chicago, IL and moved to Phoenix, AZ twelve years ago. He is in his 40’s and has an advanced degree in Nutrition. He works as an independent Insurance Broker.

Neil, what were your feelings about your personal life in general before you even thought about participating in a service such as our social dating service?

I have been married before. I experienced a tragic loss. My wife was killed in an automobile accident. As a result, like so many men I was not totally content with my life. I was waiting for that special woman to come into the remainder of my life. (The foreign woman of my dreams).

How did you decide to participate in a service such as “our social dating service”?

I received your social dating service catalog that was addressed to the former resident of my home. He was a Pediatrician who was married to a beautiful Asian woman. The catalog caught my attention. I thumbed through the pages, imaging how nice it would be to find the woman of my dreams at this point in my life. I though it just might take going around the world to find her. Living in Phoenix, AZ, I had the opportunity of meeting our social dating service employees and owners personally. In fact, I also had the pleasure of meeting the wife of one of the owners. She was from St. Petersburg, Russia, so I was able to communicate first hand with a Russian woman. After visiting the office that day I was convinced that our social dating service was very service-oriented. They seemed very courteous and serious about helping me to find that woman of my dreams.

Exactly how did you use our services?

I started corresponding with many women from both Russia and the Ukraine. I sent them a letter through our social dating service Express Email Forwarding Service and a photo. I followed-up with a phone call to a few before I went on the dual tour.

You went on the dual tour… Did it work out for you? What did you like about it, what you did not like?

First of all I must say, that I felt secure travelling with our social dating service. I was well cared for and I met some of the most beautiful women in the world and I ultimately felt serious about one of them. The dual tour I experienced was outstanding and well organized.

Would you recommend the tours as a way to find your “second half”?

Yes, I would highly recommend the tour to any and all men. I am convinced that men and woman need to do more than just “wait” for each other to come into their lives. They need to make it happen.

Was a language barrier a problem for you? How did you solve this problem?

I do not speak Russian with the exception of approximately ten words such as thank you, hello, how are you, yes and no. However our social dating service makes the services of many great interpreter available, so I did not really have a problem of communication. I also should say that most of the ladies have a good knowledge of English language.

How do you feel about your life now?

I feel that there is indeed that special woman out there for me to spend the rest of my life with. She may not live in my home town or maybe not even in the US. In fact, after experiencing the tour, I am convinced she lives in Russia and would like to live in the US. I would like to eventually marry a Russian woman.

How do your family and friends feel about using our social dating service services?

My family and friends would like to see me happy. If our social dating service can help me attain a happy relationship, they are all for it.

Your impressions about Russian and Ukrainian women?

Russian and Ukrainian women are beautiful and proud to be women. They are no perfect but they seem to be much better than most American women. (By the way, I have discovered that I am not perfect either.) Like any women, these women would like to meet the man of their dreams and to make a happy family together. Because of their economy among other problems, most of these women are looking for this man abroad.

What difficulties do you see in Russian-American marriages?

I do not see a lot of difficulties that can prevent two people of different cultures and upbringing to be happy together. Quite the opposite I saw a few Russian-American couples who as happy as a married couple can be. I think that the first six months of a Russian-American marriage could be difficult if neither the husband or the wife are bilingual of each others language. After six months or less, I feel that most Russian women would understand and be able to speak the English language.

World of Love