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World of Love


You can use public automatic telephone if you need to call. You can also call to the Ukrainian mobile telephone number from public automatic telephone. To use it you need to get a telephone card. You can buy it at the post-office, telegraph, newspaper kiosks. The cost of the telephone card depends on minutes to talk:

90 min. to talk in the city5.40 UAH
120 min. to talk in the city7.20 UAH
180 min. to talk in the city 10.80 UAH

To call to one of the city telephone numbers, dial 6-digited city number. To call to mobile number in Ukraine, dial 8, wait for the long beep and then dial the number of mobile operator (050 or 067) and the mobile number.
If you want to call to one of the numbers of any Ukrainian cities, dial 8, wait for the beep, dial the city code and the telephone number.

If you want to call out of Ukraine, dial 8, wait for the beep, then dial 10, country code, city code, telephone number. Or dial 8, wait for the beep, dial 191 and tell the operator in English the country, the city and the telephone number.

There are a lot of mobile communication shops in Krivoy Rog. Two operators of the mobile communication are at service in Ukraine - UMC (+38050) and KIEVSTAR (+38067) and DCC operator. If to choose between UMC and Kievstar, we may notice that the main difference is in connection quality (UMC is better) and also in their cost (Kievstar is cheaper).

Here is a list of the shops where you can connect up to the Ukrainian mobile operators and also get the information on the issues you are interested in.

6, Esenina str
tel. in Krivoy Rog: 265060
"AC TEL" shop
10,Gagarina pr.
tel. in Krivoy Rog: 265400
"Mobilniki" shop,
4,Gagarina pr.
tel. in Krivoy Rog: 746522

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