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World of Love
  List of Hotels in:   [ St. Petersburg ] [ Moscow ] [ Volgograd ] [ Veliky Novgorod ] [ Nizhny Novgorod ] [ Krasnodar ] [ Stavropol ] [ Omsk ] [ Samara ] [ Ufa ] [ Perm ]

Sightseeing In Krasnodar

The Memorial Complex

A memorial complex to the 13,000 civilian victims of Nazi terror in Krasnodar. Sculptor I. Shmagun. Architects: I. and V. Goloverov.

The Memorial complex

The Regional Philharmonic Society
The Regional Philarmonic Society

Inside the Philharmonic Society building there is a municipal concert hall. An organ has recently been installed and (along with the regular concerts) the annual international organ music festival is being held here. This festival is an annual tradition.

The Square

This is the famous square "with the elephant". This square is famous for its unusual elephant fountain.

The square
The 40th October Revolution Anniversary Park
The park

This is a view of the 40th October Revolution Anniversary Recreation Park.

World of Love