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World of Love

Hotel Montana De Fuego Services

Our Tours - Your oasis in the paradise
Surrounded by huge mountains, rivers and the misty cloud forest, definitivelly Montaña de Fuego hotel is a oasis within a natural paradise. This place waiting for your visit.
In the hotel you will find a variety of interesting and exciting activities to do:
>Horseback rinding tours through natural and unforgetable paths inside the forest which take you to the Arenal river.
>The water of the Peñ as Blancas river will be a battle field if uou like the adventure of the white water rafting or kayak.
For those who like slow but unique natural emotions, the hotel offers an excellent setting for the visitors who love birdwatching, besides in the gardens and trails you will find many of the Costa Rican most interesting and colorful species.
You can also enjoy the serenety of the area either in the pools or in the jacuzzi.

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