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World of Love

Visa Services
Attorney Laurie Wu
Are The Right Choice For All Your Fiancee Visa Needs!

  • 100% USCIS Success Rate And 99% Embassy Success Rate
  • Our 100 % success rate on all USCIS submissions is a result of years of experience and our attention to detail. We strive to provide clients with advice to maximize their approval, but occasionally some clients will not follow our advice (for example, not enrolling into English classes or taking other steps in improving their English for the interview).

  • Faster Processing From Start To Finish
  • Although there are certain, unavoidable waiting periods, the entire process can be accelerated by an experienced attorney. The fact that the case is assembled professionally, with a close eye to detail, will ensure that the USCIS will have everything they need, in the proper order, the first time, which will spare the client costly delays. If the client chooses the Premium service we will prepare all the paperwork for the Fiancee and assist her in obtaining the required supporting documents, thus enabling her to obtain an earlier interview date.

  • Full USCIS And Embassy Support
  • For those that choose the Premium service, our basic USCIS service and Embassy service is included. For our basic service, your I-129F petition will be carefully assembled and submitted to USCIS. From there, it will be monitored until approval. This Embassy service entails the completion of all the forms and assistance with collecting all documents necessary for the Embassy interview.

  • Beyond Legal Advice
  • We go beyond what you would expect. Besides ensuring that all the forms are properly completed and all the necessary documents are submitted, we provide advice on related topics and issues (planning additional trips, planning for the wedding, relationship and communication issues, etc.) that often arise.

  • Attorney With Combined Experience Of Over 29 Years Of Experience Working With International Couples
  • Laurie Wu has over 7 years of experience working with international couples and John Roth (of counsel) has over 21 years of experience. Their experience is invaluable when it comes to support issues such as how to deal with being separated during the Visa processing time, long distance relationships, etc. If interpersonal problems do arise before or after your fiancee arrives, our staff is available for free consultations and will share our vast experience with you and give our perspective so you have an objective opinion on which to rely.

  • Licensed To Practice Immigration Law In All 50 States
  • Attorney Laurie Wu is licensed to practice Federal Immigration Law in all 50 states. It makes no difference as to which state you reside in. We are available to assist you in the Fiancee visa process.

  • Assistance In Any Country
  • It makes no difference where you find your special someone. We can assist you with the Fiancee visa in any country in the world. We can also assist you if you are not residing in the USA.

  • Support And Counseling Available To The Fiancee
  • The Premium Service includes support and counseling for your Fiancee during the entire process. This is an important process for both of you, every step of the process is important. Problems can and do arise at the embassy that can be easily dealt with by an experienced attorney. Your Fiancee will have all the support and assistance she will need in order to make the process as stress free and smooth as possible.

  • Competent Legal Services From A Professional Immigration Attorney

    For your own protection, be sure that whomever you decide to assist you in your case is a licensed Immigration Attorney. USCIS regulations prohibit non-lawyer companies from representing petitioners or the Fiancee. If you retain an individual or company who is not a US-licensed immigration attorney, the individual or company cannot follow-up on your behalf with USCIS and the Embassy. The Law Office of Laurie Y. Wu is dedicated solely to immigration matters.

World of Love