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World of Love

Phone Translation Call(s) Account Setup

For Virtual Meeting (Zoom) account setup CLICK HERE

Please select the desired amount to open your account (you may add additional funds to your account at any time)

$50.00 Account $100.00 Account $150.00 Account $250.00 Account $500.00 Account

Only $5.99 per minute (all inclussive) OR only $3.99 per minute for Platinum Members.

Allow 48 to 72 hours for our matchmaker/translator to get in contact with the woman.

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:

Information on the person you're wishing to call or Video Chat with. Please put as much information as you can.

(Optional) You may schedule your call later by using our schedule form here.

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number (If Available):
Zoom ID (If Available):
Profile Number:

What time would you like us to schedule your call or Video Zoom?

Please take into consideration the time difference between 2 countries, you do not want to call the girl in the middle of the night, or call her in the day hours when she is most likely at work. For Russia-Ukraine it is usually 9-13 hour difference with MST. For Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and China it is a 12-14 hour difference with MST. For our Spanish translation services, Costa Rica is on MST, while Mexico, Colombia, and Peru are 1 hour ahead of MST.

To make the call time convenient for both you and your party, we would appreciate if you gave us three optional dates and times for when you would like to schedule your call. All times should be converted to MST-Mountain Standard Time.

We will let you know if there is a conflict between timezones.

Date 1:
Time 1 - FROM: TO:
Date 2:
Time 2 - FROM: TO:
Date 3:
Time 3 - FROM: TO:

If you prefer to mail a check or money order please complete this form and submit it.
Then click on mail, fax or call in credit card number.

World of Love