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World of Love

Larry Fitzgerald Highlights His Marriage in Odessa Ukraine

Webcast Content Video

Larry Fitzgerald recounts the past 10 months of living abroad in Odessa Ukraine with his newlywed wife Elena.

Larry met Elena while attending a singles tour of Odessa and Nikolaev. Despite not meeting during the event in Odessa, Larry was able to meet Elena through the assistance of a his matchmaking assistant.

Larry Fitzgerald spent 40+ years of his life living alone, but an existence that he felt was well rounded and happy.

While meeting women on domestic dating sites in America, Larry found that most women his age were well established and reluctant to restart life with a new marriage.

Marriage in Odessa Ukraine sees many women single well into their 30's, as Ukrainian women greatly outnumber their male counterparts to the tune of nearly 4 million.

Many of the single women who do not wed in their 20's find that marriage in Ukraine can be nearly impossible beyond that early age.

As many of the high value Ukrainian men have been married off, and few that remain single have an interest in marriage.

Elena chose to exercise her options and attend an international dating event in Odessa.

This decision would set up the opportunity to meet Larry Fitzgerald , which ultimately led to their marriage in Odessa Ukraine.

World of Love