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World of Love

International Dating Podcasts

A Foreign Affair presents The Monday and Wednesday Night Webcasts with our A Foreign Affair international dating experts!

A Foreign Affair hosts the Monday and Wednesday night webcasts every week and answers YOUR questions about international dating, foreign women, singles tours around the world, and anything else you have questions about when it comes to international dating. Our international dating experts host this free, international dating webcast and offer insightful advice throughout the discussion. You will learn about everything from tours, cultural differences, and traveling, to ways you can comfortably approach women at socials. Join us every Monday and Wednesday night at 8:30 PM EST for the Webcast. It's FREE to participate!

Our Wednesday night webcasts are mainly focused specifically on the Philippines! If you are interested in traveling to the Philippines, this is the webcast for you! Helen, the manager of our Davao, Philippines office, will host the webcast and answer your biggest questions about A Foreign Affair's singles vacations to the Philippines.


Click on the link to be taken to the webcast: www.loveme.com/live/

World of Love