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World of Love

Maria Boettcher

Maria Boettcher

As an Executive Matchmaker for Love International and LoveMe.com, Maria specializes in assisting VIP clients in finding life partners through direct matchmaking. In addition to personally matching clients, Maria also manages teams of matchmakers who assist clients in several prominent cities throughout the entire world. At the 2020 iDate Awards, Maria received a nomination for Best Matchmaker of the Year. Maria was also instrumental in the successes that led to her entire matchmaking agency winning Best International Dating Agency in both 2019 and 2020 at the iDate Awards.

An average day for Maria includes love, adventure, drama, courage and most importantly, FUN. Maria values the uniqueness of each culture she experiences and employs these direct interactions while matching couples internationally. Originally from Germany, Maria's lifelong ambitions to travel the globe came to fruition over the last decade. Since 2010, she has made homes in Italy, France, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica and most recently Colombia - with trips to dozens of other countries in between.

Each week, Maria hosts an interactive livestream where viewers from around the world submit questions in real time, seeking her dating advice as it relates to their pursuit of true love.

As an international matchmaker, Maria has assisted clients from the United States, Central America, South America and many countries throughout Europe. Having lived in several Latin American countries for the last 8 years, Maria developed an expertise in Latino dating culture that has assisted her in creating countless couples in the region.

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World of Love