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World of Love


Uzbekistan is a new independent state in Central Asia. After the collapse of the USSR Uzbekistan chose peace-loving democratic policy and launched the reforms to develop market economy and enter international economic society as a full member.

The Republic of Uzbekistan is situated in the central part of Central Asia between two rivers: Amudarya and Syrdarya. There are Turan Lowland in the northwest, and Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alay mountain ridges in the southeast of the territory. Kyzyl-Kum Desert is in the North. Uzbekistan borders Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, and Afghanistan in the South.

Grand Mir Hotel*****upon requestupon request
Intercontinental Hotel*****upon requestupon request
Le Grande Plaza Hotel****upon requestupon request
Dedeman Silk Road Hotel****upon requestupon request
Radisson SAS Hotel ****upon requestupon request
Rovshan Hotel***upon requestupon request
Grand Raddus JSS Hotel****upon requestupon request

Zevashan**upon requestupon request
Gov.Dacha***upon requestupon request
Samarkand***upon requestupon request
Afrosiab****upon requestupon request

Bukhara***upon requestupon request
BukharaNew****upon requestupon request

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World of Love