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World of Love


Hotel Londonskaya

Built in 1867, Hotel Londonskaya's early Renaissance style adds lovely elegance to the historical center of Odessa. After its restoration in 1988, Hotel Londonskaya became Odessa's finest hotel, popular among tourists and business travelers from around the world for its convenient location; only 2 km from the train station and 12 km from the airport.

Year opened - 1867.

Number of buildings - 1.

Number of floors - 4.

Hotel Londonskaya offers 54 comfortably furnished rooms with a private bathroom, satellite TV, telephone, and refrigerator. 4 suites are fitted with a sauna and air conditioning in addition to other amenities.

Additional facilities include hair salon, currency exchange office, and a travel agency. An elegantly furnished deluxe class restaurant offers European and Ukrainian cuisine. Also available are a coffee shop, bars, and a casino.

For business needs, the hotel offers fax, telex and international access telephone. Copy and typing services are also available.

Hotel is open year round.

Make your reservation now!

Address: 11, Primorsky Blvd.

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World of Love