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World of Love

Premier Palace Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine

Possibly the finest hotel in Kiev, Ukraine, the Premier Palace is located on Taras Shevchenko Boulevard that diagonally intersects Kreschchatyk Blvd, the main artery and center of the city.

The hotel is a landmark of the city and over the past few years had undergone a multimillion-dollar makeover that represents the height of hotel service in the city.

Elevators are key secured to ensure security and privacy. Rooms are well planned and elegant with modern conveniences, but not exceptionally large.

However, the hotel amenities are top notch with great restaurants.

The Fitness Center covers 300 sq. meters with Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, Jacuzzi and a beautiful pool with a waterfall and fountain.

Premier Palace Hotel, Kiev, Ukraina Premier Palace Hotel, Kiev, Ukraina Premier Palace Hotel, Kiev, Ukraina

World of Love