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  Hotels in Novgorod:   [ Hotels Home ] [ Beresta ] [ Volkhov ] [ Intourist ]

Hotel Volkhov

Volkhov hotel The Volkhov, the five-story hotel, is the oldest one in Novgorod. It was built in 1958 and reconstructed in 1997-2002. As a result, the forth floor and the elevator were built. The hotel offers 120 modern comfortable rooms, a restaurant, a casino, a number of adequate optional services. The Volkhov hotel is within a 5-7 minute walk from the train and bus stations. It is close to the Kremlin, next to the building of the Regional Administration. No wonder the hotel is popular among businessmen and tourists.


Single room32
Double room48

The rates include breakfast and the morning visit to the sauna and the pool. Check-out time is 12:00 pm. Payments are to be done in rubles as bank transfers 100 % in advance (at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). We accept VISA, DINERS CLUB, EUROCARD/MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS.

Our guides will show you the historical sights of Veliky Novgorod and its suburbs.
The tours are provided in Russian as well as in basic European languages.

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