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World of Love
  Hotels in Novgorod:   [ Hotels Home ] [ Beresta ] [ Volkhov ] [ Intourist ]

Beresta Palace Hotel

Beresta hotel If you are planning to relax or organize a meeting, symposium, conference, or presentation, we are honored to recommend you the four-star Beresta Palace Hotel in Veliky Novgorod!

The comfortable hotel in a typical Russian cozy city is the first class hotel located between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Multiple facilities for leisure as well as for business activities fit in the elegant atmosphere of the hotel built in Austrian style.

Rooms The Beresta Palace Hotel, built in 1991, has 195 standard rooms and 18 suites and junior suites. All rooms feature a toilet/bathtub, color TV, telephone, and radio-alarm.

The gift shops, the restaurant, and the lobby-bar are right on the lobby level. Services include a beauty salon and a dentist center.

The basement floor features the indoor pool, spa, solar room, business center and multi-purpose conference room.


Single room $85 USD
Double room $100 USD
Semisuite $130 USD
Suite $160 USD
Presidential suite $225 USD

The rates include breakfast and the morning visit to the sauna and the pool. Check-out time is 12:00 pm. Payments are to be done in rubles as bank transfers 100% in advance (at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). We accept VISA, DINERS CLUB, EUROCARD/MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS.

Our guides will show you the historical sights of Veliky Novgorod and its suburbs.
The tours are provided in Russian as well as in basic European languages.

Make your reservation now!

World of Love