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World of Love

Sevastopol apartments for rent.

Sevastopol 1 Apartment, [SV1] (65m sq.)

This apartment is available ONLY to Euro Club clients.
Please click here for information on the Euro Club.

This two room apartment is quite comfortable with good furniture.

Amenities include Cable TV with Euro News and Discovery channels and self contained hot water heater.

Apartments Sevastopol, Ukraine. Sevastopol apartment for rent. Apartments Sevastopol, Ukraine. Sevastopol apartment for rent.
Living room has a coverable sofa bed.
Apartments Sevastopol, Ukraine. Sevastopol apartment for rent.
The bedroom features a King size bed
and room to move around.
Apartments Sevastopol, Ukraine. Sevastopol apartment for rent.
Price starting from $85.00 per night


  Apartments for Rent
Russian Apartments for Rent Colombian Apartments for Rent Ukraine Apartments for Rent

World of Love