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Translate Colombia Medellin Apartment page

Medellin Apartment M1

Medellin Colombia Apartment
Medellin Colombia apartment details       click photos to enlarge
Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail
Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail
Medellin Colombia apartment photograph thumbnail    
Medellin Colombia apartment details       Reserve apartment in Medellin Colombia

This modern two-bedroom/two bath Medellin apartment is on the 11th floor of a 12 floor new Medellin apartment building (built in 2007), providing spectacular views of the city and the mountains from every window, it is especially beautiful and romantic at night.

This large, nicely furnished, Medellin apartment, 100 sq meters, (almost 1,100 sq feet) also boasts spacious living and dining areas, fully equipped kitchen, outdoor balcony off the living room, and a separate laundry room. You will find upgraded marble tile flooring throughout and very modern kitchen cabinets with both electric and gas burners on the stove.

The building is located in one of the nicest areas of Medellin, only a short 8-minute walk to the AFA office and many restaurants, shops and cafes. It is a gated building with a 24-hour security/door man. You are allotted one underground parking space if needed. The building also has a racquetball court, steam room, and sauna, all free to guests.

  • 2 bedrooms,
  • dinning room,
  • 2 bath,
  • full kitchen.
  • Balcony over looking the city and surrounding mountains
  • Large master bedroom and bath.
  • Full security.
  • Racquetball court and sauna/steam room

Price: $89.00 per night

Medellin Colombia apartment details


PHONE #1: 57-5-665-4542
PHONE #2: 57-5-665-5438
PHONE #3: 57-5-315-1271
USA PHONE: 1-602-445-6423

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