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All Dnepropetrovsk Apartments:   D1   D2   D4   D5  

Dnepropetrovsk Apartment #D4

Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine Apartment
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment details       click photos to enlarge
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment photograph thumbnail    
Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine apartment details       Reserve apartment in Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine

Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine remodeled western standard air-conditioned studio apartment with stunning views of the city form balcony. Located at the corner of Karl Marks and Dzerzhinskogo St. you are just a few minutes from an affiliate office and the center of the city. This bright, sunny & clean apartment with new furniture, sleeper sofa and has a king size bed. Save a few dollars cooking in the completely furnished kitchenette with self-contained hot water heater and a water filter system. The apartment has new soundproof windows to assure a good nights sleep. This building has 3 elevators and a doorman for your security. 24 hour supermarket and money exchange close by. Amenties include Color TV and telephone with free local calls.

Price starting from $60.00 per night

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